Can I pay my bill at a local office?
Yes, Your payment can be made at any office i.e. Pay At An Office during our regular office hours. (Please refer to our locations and office hours in our website, some locations are not open on Saturdays.
- Payments can be made by check, cash, credit cards or money orders, subject to company requirements. (Certain restrictions apply with credit cards, please call first).
- We highly recommend forwarding your payment directly to your insurance company, because it must be received in their hands to avoid cancellation. Paying the agency directly does not necessarily mean that your payment will be credited to your account on time. Because of this, bringing a late payment to the office could cause a dangerous and costly cancellation of your policy.
Our services include:
- Calling your insurance company to verify that payment is not beyond a date acceptable;
- Procuring a confirmation number from the company, if payment is close to cancellation date;
- Uploading your payment via internet or forwarding via U.S. Postal Service. A signed and dated Agency Hold Harmless Agreement is required in the event of circumstances beyond our control;
- If policy is in cancellation status, we would make every attempt to obtain a reinstatement of the policy to avoid a gap in your coverage. A signed and dated No-Loss Statement, or Request for Reinstatement may be required by your company in order to accept payment;
- A receipt from the agency will be provided once payment is accepted.
Making a payment outside of business hours:
- We STRONGLY recommend that you pay your insurance directly with your company, or at one of our locations during normal business hours.
- Please read the above information carefully before attempting to drop off a payment after hours through our mail slot. We highly recommend that you call our office for the status of your policy before attempting to just drop it off, because it may require a phone call to your carrier to put a hold on a possible, cancellation, which could occur.
- Always make your check, money order, cashier’s check, etc. to your direct bill company or payment plan and include your payment coupon with payment. Never make payment payable to Dan Burghardt Insurance Agency unless instructed otherwise by a Dan Burghardt Representative.
- All after hour payments require a hold harmless agreement to be accompanied with your payment when dropped off after hours. Please click here and print hold harmless agreement.
- Upon receiving your payment the next day, we will perform the following, if a prior phone call to our office was not possible:
- Calling your carrier to verify that payment is not beyond a date acceptable;
- Procure a confirmation number with company, if payment is close to cancellation date;
- Upload your payment via internet or forward via U.S. Postal; Service accompanied with a hold harmless agreement in the event it’s lost;
- If policy is in cancellation status, we would make every attempt to request reinstatement on your behalf to avoid cancellation;
- Contact you regarding completing a reinstatement form by email or fax if required by carrier in order to accept payment;
- Mail a receipt to you that a payment was received in our office.
- Notify you immediately if payment is not acceptable and prepare a rewrite quote to have you reinsured immediately to stop dangerous gaps in coverage.
Please note:
- The Agency must include a $10.00 service fee for the above service. Please make a separate check payable to Dan Burghardt Insurance Agency.
- The Agency highly recommends that monthly payment be mailed in a timely manner directly to your carrier to avoid last minute complications as noted above.
- If you decide to forward your payment directly to avoid a last-minute cancellation, we highly suggest proof of mailing be obtained at your local post office as an additional receipt of the date mailed.
- Always include your payment coupon so we, your agency or your carrier can easily identify the intention of your payment.
- Late payments can result in dangerous lapses in coverage causing DMV flags, fines and fees. Also, you become exposed to the No-Pay No-Lay Insurance Law, which disqualifies you from being reimbursed for bodily injuries, and property damages in an automobile accident.
What if the payment is to renew my policy?
- The same procedures apply above, if and only if we are not changing carriers, which would mean that we would need a new application process on your behalf in order to execute your renewal to the new carrier that we quoted you.
- If we found a better rate for you, please bring in your renewal letter from our agency offering you the opportunity to either move your coverage for better rates or better coverage. This is clearly explained that your policy needs to be rewritten in our office before the expiration date in order to avoid a lapse or cancellation. Please do not wait until the day of your expiration as you could lose your valuable discounts and have to pay DMV a fine for a cancellation flag/lapse flag.