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Your landlord doesn’t cover your personal property. Things like your clothes, sound system, furniture, appliances, television, bicycle, artwork, personal computer, and other items are all at risk against fire and theft. You can also face the prospect of defending yourself from a lawsuit because of some accident for which you may be held legally responsible, whether it happened where you live or somewhere else. These are the events that Renter’s Insurance covers.
Not having Renter’s Insurance is a pretty big gamble, especially in a multi-unit apartment building, where you are surrounded by neighbors who may not be as responsible as you are. The chances are much greater for building fire because of the presence of multiple kitchens, heating systems, and electrical appliances, as well as neighbors who smoke. Further, the instances of burglary, theft, and vandalism occur more frequently than in a single-family dwelling. In fact, people who rent are burglarized 79% more often than those who own their own home, according to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Statistics.
For a quick quote, you can contact our quote department directly at (504) 441-7283 or complete the Online Quote Request form and you will be contacted immediately. You can even buy your policy over the phone.
- Windstorm
- Hail
- Fire
- Lightning
- Vandalism
- Malicious Mischief
- Theft
- Burglary
- Falling Objects
- Collapse
- Overflow of Water
- Electrical Surge
- Glass Breakage
- Explosion
- Riot or Civil Commotion
- Collision with Aircraft or Vehicles
- Contents are covered on and off premises, so if you are out of town on vacation or on a business trip your personal belongings, if lost, stolen, or destroyed, are protected for up to 10% of your total contents limit
- Contents Extended Coverage also includes a family member who may be residing off premises with a home computer and other personal belongings at the college dormitory.
- Personal Liability will protect you from lawsuits for bodily injury or property damage to others. This coverage extends off premises to and includes all household members.
Example: Your son is on the softball team. While at the playground, he throws the bat, accidentally hitting another player; your $100,000 or $300,000 liability limit will protect you. - $1,000 or more of Medical Payments coverage is provided for any guest that is accidentally injured on the premises.
- Other special limits of liability include $1,500 for loss due to theft of jewelry, watches, furs, precious stones and another $1,500 towards loss of securities, deeds, accounts, evidence of debt, important papers such as letters of credit and more.
- Additional Living Expense covers you if your rented home or apartment is made uninhabitable by any covered peril.
No, flood insurance is written as a separate policy. Renters, especially of first floor apartments or other rental units, including condos, homes, mobile home, etc. should definitely consider purchasing flood insurance. For a quick quote, you can contact our quote department directly at (504) 441-7283 or complete the Online Quote Request form and you will be contacted immediately. You can even buy your policy over the phone.
In most cases, Renters Insurance costs only a few hundred dollars a year. That’s right, for around the cost of one monthly car payment you can protect yourself from theft, fire, wind, water damage and other covered hazards for an entire year. Can’t afford even that small amount at one time? That’s not a problem because Dan Burghardt Insurance knows how important this coverage is, so we offer payment plans that make this already inexpensive coverage even more affordable. The fact is, your landlord may be sympathetic about your stolen sound system, but you are the person who will have to replace all of your damaged or stolen belongings!
For a quick quote, you can contact our quote department directly at (504) 441-7283 or complete the Online Quote Request form and you will be contacted immediately. You can even buy your policy over the phone.
To help you determine how much coverage you need, we have prepared a Personal Belongings Valuator. Click the picture below to view and print the Valuator, or you can contact us directly and we will assist you with expert advice.